Individual Therapy for Adults in Franklin, TN

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Welcome to a safe space to heal, grow, and blossom into the individual you deserve to be.

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You don’t have to be alone in your journey.

  • Being an adult navigating the complexities of life is already difficult enough. Adding anxiety into the mix of those complexities can make you feel you are in danger, like you are going crazy, or on the edge of lashing out. It can bring your day to a complete halt when you are already feeling like you don’t even have the time or capability to breathe. Experiencing anxiety can bring on intrusive and irrational thoughts about yourself or make simple tasks feel like you are taking on a mountain of responsibilities instead.

  • Depression is exhausting. You’ll feel as if you don’t care about what happens anymore. In its wake, it brings feelings of emptiness and a complete inability to just exist sometimes. You may feel as if you are in a void of nothingness and only falling in deeper as time passes by. Lacking motivation to be an active participant in your own life brings on additional challenges with your relationships, productivity, and engaging in the hobbies you enjoy.

  • Trauma is complex and manifests in unique ways for each individual. Something that may not have felt disturbing or distressing for you may have completely impacted another individual in a way that you could not imagine for yourself. Your experiences that have troubled you can also illustrate false narratives about the present in your relationships and within yourself. It can make you ask yourself questions about your worth and if you were to blame for what happened. Your responses to your experiences can even make you confuse the past with the present from time to time.

Meet Abigail

Abigail jones headshot

My role as a therapist is to provide a safe space for you to heal and improve your quality of life. My goal is to empower you to re-establish your presence within your own life. You deserve to experience relief from your suffering, and I want to show you how we can find that feeling of relief together.

As an eclectic therapist, I utilize evidenced-based approaches and tailor them to meet your needs. Some days, you may need more of a solution-focused, problem-solving session than engaging in a session that is client-centered, and that is okay. I am here to meet you wherever you are at during our sessions.

Are you ready to blossom?

I offer free, 15-minute consultations where you can ask any questions you may have about therapy and to see if I am the right therapist for you. Complete a contact form here, and I will reach out to you to schedule your consultation. I am committed to providing you support and working together as a team to figure out what the next best steps are for you. I am here to help you transition into viewing your life from more peaceful perspectives and transform into a beautiful version of yourself that you deserve to be.

You don’t have to keep fighting this battle alone. I can be your guide to a brighter tomorrow.